Hair technology – thoroughly clean & perfectly conditioned

Published: 1-Dec-2011

Surfactant systems for effective shampooing, natural cleansing agents and the use of skin care ingredients in conditioners are major stories in hair care technology, while more ingredients are being launched for use in niche products, such as those for itching scalps and greying or thinning hair.

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Shampooing and conditioning the hair may seem fairly straightforward processes but there are many ways to put the products together. John Woodruff takes a look at the huge range of ingredients available

Considering that the hair visible on human heads consists almost entirely of dead protein, a disproportionate amount of time and income is spent looking after it. First it has to be cleaned, then detangled and combed, two relatively simple processes that can be taken care of using a shampoo and a hair conditioner. It is then that matters become complicated with owners wanting to bleach, colour, straighten, style and otherwise maltreat the hair that they have, safe in the knowledge that it will continue to replace itself, until one day they realise this is not happening anymore.

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