Heat styling hair: How to protect those tresses

Published: 28-Nov-2022

As we head into the party season when consumers level-up their hair game, Rouah Al-Wakeel explores those ingredients allowing us to protect our locks from heat styling

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Our hair is integral to our identity. It is a form of self-expression and can also be a sign of health and wellbeing.

But who can say they are truly happy with their hair style and/or hair texture? Those with super-straight hair are desperate for bouncy, luxurious locks and those with curly and wavy hair are always keen to straighten and tame it.

We never fully appreciate what our hair goes through in order to satisfy our desires.

The hair care market is vast due to the variety of natural hair types, ethnic differences and different hair conditions resulting from the stresses we subject hair to. Therefore when creating formulations, there are a number of things to take into consideration and it can be easier to make products for specific needs rather than individual hair qualities.

Hair protection is a necessity within the hair care market and it is important to create products which ensure people are able to protect their hair adequately when styling it in order to reduce damage being caused to the hair.

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