Hyperpigmentation is the hottest topic in ingredient innovation. We discover what’s new

By Julia Wray | Published: 10-Jun-2024

Cosmetic ingredients makers and big beauty brands alike are innovating around skin pigmentation problems

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The cosmetics industry is cracking down on skin pigmentation disorders with splashy new ingredient launches targeting uneven complexions.

Pigmentation disorders affect a large proportion of the population, regardless of skin colour.

According to a 2023 study by L’Oréal-owned La Roche-Posay, involving 48,000 people in 34 countries, 50% of participants reported pigmentation disorders.

This includes depigmentation (eg, vitiligo), which accounted for 8% of pigmentation issues.

But the majority reported hyperpigmentation issues, like solar lentigo, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, periorbital hyperpigmentation and melasma.

Hyperpigmentation was one of last year’s most popular beauty searches, according to Google search data.

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