Croda Beauty Unveils Key Trends Shaping the Future of Beauty in 2025

Published: 3-Sep-2024

Explore Croda Beauty's latest insights into 2025's top beauty trends, focusing on empowerment, authenticity, minimalism and sustainability

Croda Beauty has recently published two highly insightful articles on some of the trendy beauty concepts that will be driving the beauty industry in 2025 and beyond. Following in the footsteps of its botanical division, which has enlightened us for years with its annual trend studies, this year's study now includes the whole of Croda's offering, to provide global and relevant solutions for the beauty industry.

The first trend recognises that women over 40 are an important consumer segment, with specific needs and substantial purchasing power, and aims to foster a sense of empowerment and community around ageing.

The ‘Embrace Midlife’ concept is built on a positive and inclusive approach to ageing. Moving away from traditional anti-ageing narratives, it encourages individuals to celebrate their age and the unique qualities that come with it. The emphasis is on products that enhance the skin's overall vitality rather than targeting specific signs of ageing. Use natural, sustainable ingredients and minimalist formulas that simplify skincare routines aligns with the wider societal shift towards sustainability and responsible consumption. Ingredients such as Feminage™, which supports skin elasticity, and Phytessence™ French Rose EC, known for its moisturising properties, exemplify this approach.

The ‘Sleep-fficient Solutions’ concept emphasises the importance of quality sleep for our skin and hair health. It turns out that beauty sleep is not just a saying – it is crucial because our skin and hair repair and regenerate three times faster at night compared to during the day.

This trend is all about working with skin and hair natural processes rather than overriding them, and timing product application to coincide with their peak repair and regeneration time. The effectiveness of products can be maximised, allowing minimalist formulations and reduced waste. Therefore, this concept promotes sustainability and authenticity, appealing to the wide array of consumers seeking effective, mindful, eco-conscious beauty solutions to help them feel more beautiful.

To maximise the benefits of sleep on skin and hair, brands can delve into ingredients that align with the body’s natural repair processes: Avocadin® HU25, which enhance skin hydration and barrier function, or Heliami™ Cornflower EC, which nourishes the scalp and reduces breakage. They can also opt for Synchrolife™ to help counteract the harmful effects of digital pollution, rebalance circadian cycles and ensure high repair mechanisms.

Croda Beauty's latest articles feature some of the cosmetic formulations best suited to these two concepts. By the end of the year, two other highly promising concepts will be featured in other blog articles, so don't miss out!

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