The truth about mica supply and child-labour in India

Published: 23-Oct-2015

Brands are taking bold steps to ensure their supply chains are transparent

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Children in India are still being used to obtain mica, new media reports have confirmed. Despite plenty of media sources exposing the unethical practice over the past few years, it appears that it is still widespread. As a result, concerns have been raised about the safety of the children involved and which companies, if any, are fuelling the unethical trade.

The Times of India recently reported that children are still working in abandoned mines in Jharkhand state, among others. Jharkhand state is known to have a rich mica belt and accounts for 60% of India’s production in terms of value, according to, while about 95% of India’s mica is distributed in the three states of Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.

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