Spa ingredients – From seed to shore

Published: 6-Mar-2013

Naturally derived ingredients ideal for use in spa products include mild, multifunctional and free from surfactants and blends, bath additives and exfoliating ingredients, oils for massage and products for incorporation in face and body masks

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Inspiration for spa ingredients comes from diverse areas but nature continues to drive formulating trends. John Woodruff reviews the latest batch of ingredients from the rainforests to the oceans to follow this theme

Spa treatments were once the exclusive domain of so called health farms set in impressive manor houses in the countryside where diet, exercise and beauty treatments were all part of the experience. These still exist but there has been an explosion in alternative venues, which now include the majority of larger hotels, most health clubs and many beauty salons. A quick survey of the treatments offered by these establishments shows that massage, facial cleansing, body exfoliation, manicures and pedicures still top the list. The larger establishments also include a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and sauna, and keywords are pampering, natural and detox. Ear candles, Indian head massage, foot baths containing skin eating fish or where an electrical current supposedly drains away all the toxins in the body out through the feet may also be offered but are outside the scope of this feature.

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