Crafted to launch YourCrafted for personal care brand creation

Published: 18-Sep-2023

Crafted are the new kids on the block and are ready to shake things up in the personal care sector

Crafted first started out back in 2020 as a mini contract manufacturing hub for small, indy brands looking to boost their status in the personal and home care industry.

Then as their team of Crafters grew, they were able to offer further formulation development and marketing services to their customers, allowing them to levitate their brand into a new industry or strengthen the position they already have.

Now, three years, and a full manufacturing plant later, they’re building a non-stop shop for customers to create their very own personal care brand in just a few simple clicks. Welcome to YourCrafted.

Soon to be launched at the end of 2023, YourCrafted is the new hub for tried, tested, and approved personal care products that are far from your bog-standard, off-the-shelf stuff.

They've been tirelessly testing a bunch of natural ingredients and jazzy fragrances to add to their ranges so that you get the very best that our Crafted lab team have to offer.

Not only that, but they’ve also made it super simple to add your very own design to your label, giving you the ability to add your own logo, choose from a range of groovy templates, or get the help from Crafted’s very own in-house designer to help create your dream brand.

So, whether it’s to add products to your brand range, start a brand from scratch, or just add a few nice bits to your bathroom cupboard, YourCrafted is the place to be.

Let’s get crafting.

Chat to them at and find out more about the YourCrafted launch.

Vist their website here -

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