Soil Association to raise awareness of organic beauty

Published: 19-Aug-2013

Organic Beauty Weekend to run during annual Organic September campaign

The Soil Association is looking to raise awareness of organic health and beauty products with the launch of a new marketing initiative which will run during its annual Organic September campaign. Part of this year's Small Changes, Big Difference drive, which shows the difference consumers can make by switching one household item to organic, the Organic Health & Beauty Weekend (7 -8 September) will feature regional events and offers on organic health and beauty products, as well as celebrating organic beauty.

Running throughout September the main Organic September campaign encourages consumers to make one change to their shopping habits in order to make a difference to sustainable food, animal welfare and the environment. The winners of the Organic Food Awards supported by Seeds of Change will be announced on 19 September and the Organic Fashion & Textiles Weekend on 21-22 September will be a focal point for organic textiles and fashion brands and retailers. 

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