Merck hits 2008 targets

Published: 18-Feb-2009

Merck KGaA today announced that it had achieved its predicted results for 2008

Pharmaceutical and chemical company Merck KGaA today announced that it had achieved its predicted results for 2008. Merck’s total revenue for the year increased 7.1% to €7.56m as compared with €7.0m in 2007. The company also reported an impressive operating result of €1.13m for 2008, an increase of 16%. This was in spite of a 14.6% drop in the fourth quarter.

“In spite of the recession that is gripping the global business community, Merck is pleased to report that we were able to meet the group guidance for 2008 that we announced a year ago,” said chairman of the executive board Karl-Ludwig Kley of the results.

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