Innovative bathroom products: Time to soak in new trends for 2019

Published: 2-Jan-2019

Bathroom products have shed their conservative, utilitarian image and are striding forwards into 2019 meeting the needs for green, pampering and fun

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For some people, bathroom products are something to throw in the trolley during their supermarket shop.

But for other (perhaps more mindful) consumers, the bathroom can become a sanctuary and a place to melt away all the stresses and strains of the day – and there are some really fantastic products out there to help them do just that.

Following on from the decades-old 'wellness' trends in countries such as France and Germany, other markets including the UK are now also cottoning onto the idea that one should be allowed to take some time for oneself to relax; that elusive spa trip need not be a once-yearly treat, but can be brought into a consumer's home and enjoyed on a nightly basis.

All areas of the bathroom products industry have embraced this in the past year and 2018 brought some innovative and pampering new wares, which sent customers into something of a lather. Coupled with recent Christmas offerings (always a boom time for retail sales in the bathroom arena) there really was something to whet the bathroom appetite of everyone.

Bath buddies

Firstly, bath salts and additives have seen a real resurgence over the past year and this could well be to do with people opting to take time out to draw themselves a bath rather than taking a quick two-minute shower.

One brand that has seen this upsurge first hand is

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