Getting the recipe right: How to make the switch to vegan ingredients?

By Julia Wray | Published: 15-Feb-2021

With even non-vegan consumers opting for vegan cosmetics, Cosmetics Business takes a look at some of the ingredients that can replace animal-derived stalwarts

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The past few years have witnessed huge demand for cosmetics that are classified as ‘vegan’.

“According to Future Market Insights, the increase is due to rising concerns around health and safety, alongside changing attitudes towards the treatment of animals,” Francine Jordan, Media and PR Officer at The Vegan Society, tells Cosmetics Business.

In part, says Jordan, this has been driven by consumers wanting to double check their beauty purchases have not been tested on animals; this is even the case in the UK, regardless of the fact that the sale of cosmetics tested on animals has been banned across the EU since March 2013.

“Vegans and non-vegans alike loathe the thought of the beauty products and cosmetics they use being tested on animals,” says Jordan. “A Vegan Society survey found that one in five Brits check if their toiletries are tested on animals, meaning an increasing number of shoppers seek to make ethical purchasing choices.

“Brands and businesses are desperate to keep up with the growing demand as seen by more and more applying for The Vegan Trademark. The trademark helps clarify and reassure that products carrying the sunflower are free of animal ingredients and animal testing.”

Veganism and animal welfare generally is a movement about which beauty product formulators are keenly aware and, by and large, want to be involved in.

Barbora Harmatova and Miroslava Korenova, Grading Tutors at Formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation school, tell Cosmetics Business: “We are seeing that our students, as natural formulators, are not only aware of this market trend and consumer push but are also keen to ensure that for both ethical and environmental reasons animal welfare should also be reflected in the cosmetic products they create.

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