Pure Beauty

Germany\'s C&T holding steady

Published: 31-Oct-2013

As other European nations are having a tough time staying in the black, Germany\'s stable economy has helped the nation\'s C&T market to prosper

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A stable economy and burgeoning organic and own brand sectors have helped Germany’s C&T market remain in the black, while other European markets falter. Annemarie Kruse reports from Berlin

The German C&T market registered a solid if unexciting performance in 2012. According to industry association IKW, turnover for the entire market grew 1.4% to a total of €12.85bn. And although Germany was affected by economic difficulties last year, the consumer market is in pretty good shape. Propensity to buy is high, especially when compared to other European countries, and the average German consumer spent €131 on C&T in 2012, an increase of €2 on the previous year.

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