Gen X want beauty brands to cut the BS

By Jo Allen | Published: 23-Jul-2024

Women in their 40s and 50s are often more self-assured, confident and content in their own skin and body than they've ever been. And they have a clear message for beauty brands

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This article was originally published in the Cosmetics Business Beauty Consumers Trend Report.  Receive your copy here.

As the no-nonsense generation, Gen X have a very clear message for beauty brands: cut the BS.

This is a cohort that, aged 43-58 are often more self-assured and confident they’ve ever been, and are more content in their own skin and body, says Hannah Cook, Head of Growth and Innovation at The Pull Agency, which researched this demographic for the report, Gen X: The Invisible Generation in January 2024.

“Many of these women are at the peak of their careers, they are no longer running around after toddlers, but are looking after teens as well as becoming caregivers for their own parents,” says Cook.

Because of this, they haven’t got time for marketing fluff and gimmicks, nor do they have time to do hours of research to find the right product.

All they want to know is does it work, and is it going to help them address the problem they feel they have, says Cook.

“When we did our focus groups, there was a lot of passion about this. This cohort of women will make their own decisions but they are open to guidance and want someone to tell them which products will help them.”

“They don’t want the marketing nonsense that comes with it, they find it irritating,” she explains.

 “For Gen X, it’s obvious when a brand is not being sincere. Gen X are pragmatic and respond best to no-nonsense, to the point communication and product regimes.”

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