Small, Shapely Device for Full Face Photography and Image Analysis.
The VisioFace® lite consists of a booth made from unique light-guiding plexiglass, providing homogeneous white lighting. In the standby modus the illumination is blue-violet.
With the miniature camera (5 Megapixel) detailed images of the face can be taken and viewed side by side in the software.

The small dimensions and low weight allow easy mobile use. A plexiglass stand, lifting the device to a convenient height on the table, protects it during transport.
Chin rest for the exact and reproducible positioning for frontal and sidewise images.
Interesting analyses of different parameters (pores, wrinkles, spots, sun damage, colour, 3D details) on the image can be done in the full face photography part of the convenient software Complete Skin Investigation (CSI). Automatic product and treatment recommendations are given on the printout.

Courage+Khazaka electronic
Cosmoprof Asia stand 1E-N5E