Beauty's best pore refiners

Published: 26-Aug-2022

Many factors can contribute to enlarged pores and several ingredients on the market promise to help minimise their appearance. Rouah Al-Wakeel explains more

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Porous is the term used to describe rocks and other materials that have minute holes through which liquid and air pass. Although the skin is more complex, this term has been adapted to describe our skin orifices, pores – these are openings of the pilosebaceous follicle, which is the hair follicle itself with an attached sebaceous gland and arrector pili muscle in the dermis. They excrete sebum, sweat and dead skin cells in order for our skin to function well and remain healthy.

In order to get a true understanding of what pores are, it is important to recognise that not all pores look alike. Factors from pore size to pore visibility can vary among different individuals. While this could be a result of the exposome, external factors such as an accumulation of dirt, oil or dead cells in the pores, and an individual’s ethnicity can also contribute to the size and density of pores on their skin.

Depending on skin type and with age, facial pores tend to dilate more and for longer, and to bring more sebum to the skin’s surface.

It is therefore necessary to work on the key factors in their opening mechanism and its consequences, for finer-textured skin and a more even, less shiny complexion.

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