Meet the new designs leading beauty’s tottle bounceback

By Julia Wray | Published: 4-Sep-2024

Hybrid formulas and the nomad trend have positioned the bottle-meets-tube packaging solution, the tottle, as beauty’s pack of choice for 2024

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Tottles, the squeezable hybrid of a bottle and a tube, are enjoying a development uptick among beauty packaging players in 2024.

This summer, Barcelona-based packaging firm Quadpack declared the tottle ‘back with a bang’ amid a major expansion of its line-up of tottles.

This followed Hong Kong’s Asquan Group growing its tottle portfolio with an Oval Collection in 15ml, 30ml and 50ml sizes, crafted to resemble river bed stones.

New tottles from HCP Packaging, meanwhile, include Color Capsule, a tottle for skin care and complexion products, and its Twist Tottle, which eliminates the need for an overcap.

So, why are industry suppliers choosing to develop this format and why now?

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