The Perfume Shop updates store image

Published: 31-Oct-2008

The Perfume Shop has opened a new store concept in Manchester, UK in a bid to enhance the consumer and staff retail environment. The new store will be a trial concept with a second trial store opening in London at the end of this month.

The Perfume Shop has opened a new store concept in Manchester, UK in a bid to enhance the consumer and staff retail environment. The new store will be a trial concept with a second trial store opening in London at the end of this month.

If proved successful the new stores will roll out across the country in the coming years. New features include new ‘For Her’ and ‘For Him’ navigational headers around the store, new window displays with a light box panel, which can be changed and a designated gift-wrap area.

Chief operating officer for The Perfume Shop, Jo Walker said: “The overall feel of the store is sharper. There are several areas, which can be interchanged to update and switch promotional messaging so that we can tell customers about new brands and promotions. As we approach Christmas we are hopeful that new store will welcome back our existing customer and attract many new ones.”

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