The finer details

Published: 30-May-2014

The global skin care market may be slowing but brands are fine-tuning their beauty offers with more focus on customisation and user experience. Emma Reinhold reports

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The old adage, prevention is better than cure, used to hold true for consumers when it came to skin care. Care and attention for your skin in your twenties could make all the difference by your fifties. But for a growing number, a new generation of skin care products is enabling the effects of skin care sins of the past to be erased with just a few applications.

Today’s skin care market is awash with potent, problem-solving products that claim to cater for every skin concern, skin type and skin age, while delivering break-neck results in a matter of weeks. Demand for flawless, ageless, youthful skin shows no signs of waning, fuelling a market that continues to grow year on year.

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