When over an extended period of time silicones have established their versatility, safety and usefulness in cosmetics, why now is there a backlash against them?
The issue
Much of it is because of internet misinformation, which blames silicones in personal care for every misfortune possible, from causing acne to being toxic to the user. The other problem, also widely reported on the internet, is concern about the environment. These issues are discussed at length by the Global Silicones Council, a not-for-profit, international organisation whose stated mission it is to promote the safe use and prudent product stewardship of silicones worldwide. It is comprised of the Silicones Environmental, Health and Safety Council of North America (SEHSC), Centre Européen des Silicones (CES) in Europe and the Silicone Industry Association of Japan (SIAJ), and further information is available on its website www.siliconesinfo.com.
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