Purearth’s 100% wild harvested seaberry oil, supercritically C02 extracted, backed by research

Published: 1-Apr-2020

The multi-corrective 100% raw Himalayan Wild Seaberry Oil by Purearth is a singular seabuckthornberry oil supercritically extracted at a workshop within a bio-hotspot forest close to the brand’s studio in India.

Nestled along glacier fed Himalayan valleys and villages, the seabuckthorn (SBT) berry is a superfruit with a magnificent phytonutrient and EFA profile.

Responsibly hand harvested by the Ladakhi women at over 13,000 feet, the whole fruit is sun dried on eco-friendly, biodegradable, breathable jute mats in the pristine mountain air, retaining all its nutrient rich properties for supporting skin health.

The conscious selection of jute over plastics guarantees no leaching of phthalates or free radicals into the berries.

A peer reviewed discussion in the J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2002 and 2007 says that the seaberries originated from the Himalayas between Sept-Nov yield the highest degree of actives from the botanic.

Harvested in October, Purearth’s SBT oil has about 70 mg/100 g of vitamin E, making it superior to any other species of Hippophaë Rhamnoides (Seabuckthornberry).

The powerhouse oil is charged with around 68.23% unsaturated fatty acids, especially replete with rare Omega 7 and superoxide dismutase (a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals), offering reparative and nourishing benefits.

Article by Christaki, E. in the J. Food and Public Health 2012 discusses that Hippophaë contains flavonoids like quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol and so, can protect the skin from oxidative damage, genetic mutation and ultimately, cancer.

Peer reviewed, the article corroborates that the oil works by inhibiting the action of proinflammatory mediators, promotes recuperation of skin conditions and helps recover the bone marrow from radiation damage.

Clean, efficient and microbiologically sterile supercritical CO2 extraction abstains from any chemical traces or solvents, promising an oil of the highest quality and proven benefits.

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