What do research and Ayurveda have to say about copper and kansa to fight the coronavirus and build immunity?
“Every night, I massage my face with the Kwansha Beauty Coin, a "kansa" alloy of purified 80% copper and 20% tin. But during these times of coronavirus, I am massaging with the Kwansha for a different reason altogether”, says Khosa.
Backed by research, copper is an efficient antimicrobial. Just a few absorbed ions can work effectively in deactivating any pathogens.
A trace mineral found in all body tissues, copper is a recommended essential for immunity boosting, as it ensures an equilibrium of all tissues and their activities.
According to Dr. Jean Antoine Victor Burq, a famous physician-cum-metallotherapy doctor, copper and its alloys enhance absorption of minerals in the body, ensuring immunity building.

In the context of host-pathogen interactions, Cu(I) ions work as redox catalysts, in neutralising microbial ions, working as crucial antioxidants, efficiently causing bacterial death (Djoka et al., 2015).
Your skin’s sole purpose is to protect the body from external attacks. Respect your skin’s barrier function and its health.
Purearth’s Kwansha Beauty Coin, a 100% solid, high grade, pure "kansa" alloy metal, doubles as an immunity building supplement and a skin toning, firming tool.
Not only does it deliver the daily dose of copper, but also works to draw out toxins and acidity of the body, while it also relaxes and calms all your nerves.
Let's build our immunity levels with these healing and healthy tips.
Read Khosa’s blog on Purearth website to explore 10 more interesting immunity boosters.