Like fine wine: The best ingredients to care for over 50s’ skin

By Austyn King | Published: 23-Feb-2021

With the mainstream cosmetics industry finally celebrating the beauty of mature women, there is an opening for active ingredients developed specifically for their skin needs

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Since before Cleopatra took her first milk bath, humans have sought ways to preserve their youthful looks, and this tradition has continued on throughout the ages to make the anti-ageing category the beauty behemoth it is today.

In this endless pursuit of youth, however, the skin needs of women aged 50 and above have often been overlooked as their bodies make the transition to menopause.

In fact, according to a report by education platform Gen M, a staggering 91% of menopausal consumers have never seen any targeted marketing towards their needs – presenting a huge opportunity that brands are just now beginning to tap into, such as Avon's Adapt skin care, designed to support women through the hormonal effects of perimenopause and menopause, which include hot flushes, night sweats and vaginal dryness.

As more brands look to cater to this underserved and potentially lucrative consumer group, there has been a boom in skin care ingredients for the 930 million women worldwide aged over 50 who have specific personal care needs.

“For many women over 50, appearance is central in

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