How to secure investment for your beauty brand on Dragons' Den

Published: 19-Aug-2019

Besides fame and glory, there is serious business funding to be won on hit BBC TV programme Dragons' Den. Here's how one beauty brand did it – and you could too

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Gillian Robson

Gillian Robson

Striking an investment deal can be a challenging and daunting process that most brands like to keep private – at least until there is good news to share.

But sometimes it can pay off to take a high risk approach.

The founders of UK premium skin care and tanning brand Tancream learned just that, after applying to appear on hit business reality TV show Dragons' Den.

Gillian Robson and Katy Foxcroft walked away with £75,000 and the backing of two business magnates – for 12.5% of the business each – despite some initial criticism of their product.

Here Robson, who was inspired to create the SPF50 product after being diagnosed with skin cancer, talks to Cosmetics Business about the experience and what it took to succeed…

When did you apply to go on Dragons' Den and what was involved?

We applied in December 2018. We then heard back from them in

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