Givaudan launches sustainable hair-detangling agent

Published: 31-Oct-2019

The new Naturein Wheat Peptides can be used as an alternative to cationic guar

Givaudan Active Beauty has unveiled a clean and sustainable alternative to cationic guar, a key detangling ingredient for hair care.

Naturein Wheat Peptides is 100% derived from French-origin locally-sourced wheat, crafted via green fractionation.

“Cationic guar is the most used chemical ingredient in the hair care market,” says Amandine Scandolera, Head of Biological Evaluation at Givaudan Active Beauty.

“To prove the effectiveness of our natural asset, we opted for tests that put Naturein Wheat Peptides in competition with cationic guar.

"Results prove that it is more effective in record time. All clinical tests carried out on 100 people demonstrate the excellence of Naturein Wheat Peptides.”

The impact of Naturein Wheat Peptides were evaluated on wet and dry hair; 3% of the peptides extract improved detangling on wet hair (+20% versus +5% with 0.3% cationic guar) and improved the combing and smoothness of dry hair (+22% versus +5%).

Efficacy was also perceived by a panel during clinical tests: 80% said their hair felt good (versus 40% placebo) and 70% said their hair was easier to untangle (versus 45% placebo) after applying the active product.

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