British skin care brand Geneu will soon offer customers at Selfridges a same-day DNA testing service as part of its Personalised Serums package.
Up until now Geneu has offered this service from its Lancashire Court store with DNA swabs taken from the inside of the cheek sent off to a London lab for testing, which takes a couple of days for results to be sent back. The service, which also requires the customer to fill in a lifestyle questionnaire, costs £200 and includes one product.
Now, exclusively at Selfridges, consumers that take a swab and fill out their lifestyle questionnaire by 2.30pm will be able to receive their results and personalised skin care prescription by 5.30pm the same day.
Dr Martin Stow, CEO of Geneu, told Cosmetics Business that to make the service more accessible at Selfridges, Geneu will offer a reduced price-point of £89 for the DNA and lifestyle test, which will be redeemable against a future purchase once the results are sent back.
Stow said: “There is no better partner for us than Selfridges and we are so honoured to collaborate with them on this exclusive activity. When we created Geneu, we wanted to make a difference in skin care by making it truly personal, and we can now share our insight, technology and personalised results with Selfridges customers by offering our outstanding service in-store.”
Geneu manufactures and sells personalised skin care serums that are formulated based on an individual’s DNA and lifestyle. The serums contain active ingredients at the exact concentration deemed beneficial to each person. Each person is prescribed two serums, Genotype AOX and Genotype COL – the former made with antioxidants and the latter collagen.
Melissa McGinnis, Selfridges Beauty Buying Manager, added: “The Selfridges beauty customers is always on the look out for new and exciting products and Geneu offers just that. Here at Selfridges, customer service is such a big part of what we do and this truly bespoke approach to skin care provides that extra special service that our customers can enjoy in-store.”
Geneu will also offer an exclusive product package during its trial at Selfridges: a luxury 24-sku set containing personalised serums for £900.
The brand is popping up in Selfridges’ Beauty Workshop on the ground floor as part of a two week trial from 26 September-9 October.