Dermaclaim Lab closes first half of 2024 with a 38% increase in turnover

Published: 10-Jul-2024

The business will continue with its growth plan with the acquisition of new facilities

The Valencian dermocosmetic research laboratory, specialised in efficacy and functionality claims through in vitro assays and clinical studies, closed the first half of 2024 with a 38 % increase in turnover, compared to 2023, reaching 513 projects carried out for 107 different clients and 787 samples analysed, since the start of the activity in October 2021.

During this first half of 2024, 57 % of the turnover corresponded to studies on functional ingredients, while 43 % corresponded to tests on final cosmetic products or oral nutraceuticals. It is also important to note that 82 % of revenues came from international customers, while 18 % came from Spanish customers.

In order to continue with its business growth plan, Dermaclaim has recently completed the acquisition of new commercial facilities with 660 square meters, in an area close to the current clinical facilities. In these new facilities, the company will connect the 2 departments (laboratory and clinic), which until now have been separated in different locations. Construction is expected to start in the last quarter of 2024 and will last until the first quarter of 2025.

Thanks to this new acquisition, the laboratory department will become independent from the Central Support Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE-UV), where the cell culture tasks and a large part of the molecular biology tasks corresponding to the laboratory department are currently carried out. This acquisition will also increase the staff and production capabilities, allowing the development of new applications and studies. After 3 years of work, the management will see its wish fulfilled to unify the two departments in the same facilities, so that the employees belonging to both departments can carry out their tasks in the same work centre. 

"We have spent almost 1 year looking for new facilities to expand our work capacity, as well as to be able to unify the laboratory and the clinical departments in the same place. Despite the difficult circumstances, as the real estate market is, with a multitude of facilities for rent but very few for sale and the bureaucratic difficulty of installing a new laboratory in an urban environment, we have found the ideal place for our next 10 years. It is very well connected by public transport, it is less than a 20-minute walk from our current clinical facilities and the size of the facilities is enough to be able to set up a laboratory and a clinic with the quality conditions that our clients deserve without any problems". - states CEO, David Gonzalez. "Also and not less important, being a small staff like ours, the fact of joining both departments in the same facilities will mean an important improvement in the emotional health of all employees, being able to be more connected to their colleagues, as well as facilitating the fact that greater synergies may appear between the different groups". 

The company will close its facilities on July 26th, resuming its activity on August 19th, facing the last stage of the year with renewed strength and energy after the summer break. Likewise, with the aim of continuing its international expansion, Dermaclaim will be exhibiting its services at Cosmetorium Barcelona on October 23rd and 24th, as well as at Incosmetics Asia Bangkok on November 5th and 7th.

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