Pure Beauty

The psychology behind a uniform

Published: 19-Jul-2017

What do customers want from a luxury salon? Great customers service and an indulgent atmosphere? Florence Roby explains why a great uniform matters too

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Jan Roby is the Director of beauty and salon wear brand Florence Roby. Based in the UK, the team has more than 60 years’ experience designing salon uniforms and have recently launched their own hospitality and hotel uniform range.

Jan Roby

Jan Roby

Here Roby talks to Cosmetics Business about the importance of paying attention to detail when it comes to designing a staff uniform.

"When it comes to the health and beauty industry, appearances are everything – right from the treatments you offer your customers to the way your staff adorn themselves.

That’s why a good salon uniform is key to your business’ success. How your staff appear is integral for your branding, and a poor quality uniform is likely to be indicative of a poor brand.

Though it may not be immediately obvious, a uniform can tell a customer a lot more about the business than customer service alone.

A uniform can help your brand to create a professional and trustworthy experience, that will help communicate your company ethos and USP.

Customers generally are mo

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