The latest delivery systems ensure maximum cosmetic ingredient efficacy

Published: 10-Oct-2017

Whether you’re working with active skin care ingredients or sun protection agents, the right delivery system will ensure optimal performance. John Woodruff assesses the options

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Previous features have focused on skin care and natural actives, as well as enhancing SPF values in sun care, all of which benefit from delivery systems formulated to target specific sites upon application. These are the focus of this feature.

Active targeting

Infinitec Barcelona is a company that specialises in delivery systems and has worked to transfer medical and pharmaceutical technologies to the cosmetic field.

Infinitec maintains that delivery systems should provide a better response over time by improving the bioavailability of the active.

Based on a system used to target and kill cancerous cells, it has developed Cosmetic Drones, also called ligand-mediated targeting, as actively targeted delivery systems.

Infinitec describes it as

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