New clinical imaging department

Published: 16-Jan-2014

IDEA Clinic invested in a new photo lab, equipped with the latest technologies, guaranty of reproducibility and quality of the images...

In 2013, to go even further in cosmetic products evaluation, IDEA Clinic invested in a new photo lab, equipped with the latest technologies, guaranty of reproducibility and quality of the images

Brands can prove by images, impacting vector, the efficacy of their products. These techniques concerned more particularly :

- Make-up products in order to claim in particular the coverage of a foundation, the long lasting hold of a lipstick or the curling / lengthening / eyelashes volume for a mascara.
- Care products so as to illustrate for example the anti-wrinkles efficacy, anti-marks or slimming effect

Equipment for subjective efficacy via standardized photography:

- The Orion concept Photometric Bench permits to take photographs for frontal view or side view of the face photos or any part of the body
- The Fotofinder Mediscope® system Allows to create portraits with five different angles
- The Visio Face® RD System specifically conceived to take photos of the face


Permits to take photographs for frontal view or side view of the face photos or any part of the body

The Orion Concept photometric bench is consisting of a precise positioning system to take the photographs:
- of a subject stood up or sat down,
- for frontal view or side view of the face photos,
- or any part of the body.

To guaranty the quality of the images the photometric bench is equipped with a REFLEX (Nikon D7000 (16 Mpixels) and with ELINCHROM 600DX flashes.


New clinical imaging department

Allows to create portraits with five different angles

It consists of a CANON G10 (14,7 Mpixels) photographic camera and of a rotative stand which allows to create portraits with five angles.

The flash is deflected by two special lighting reflectors and dispatched evenly on the face.

The software automatically controls all the settings of the digital camera. The « ghost » function displays in the background and directly the outlines of the previous image by transparency and enables an identical repositioning of the volunteer.


New clinical imaging department

Specifically conceived to take photos of the face

It consists of a photographic booth and control software. To guaranty the reproducibility and the quality of the images, the booth is equipped with a chin and a head rests, of a REFLEX CANON 550D (18 Mpixels), the lighting being provided by 200 white LED lights. The software pilots the photo shooting system and assists the manipulator to insure the repositioning of the faces.

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