Indentation technology for skin elasticity measurements

Published: 12-Sep-2022

ElastiMeter provides a scientific method to assess skin elasticity utilising an indenter-based technology. Skin elasticity is known to decrease with the ageing process

Evaluation of the elastic properties of the skin is typically used as an indicator of skin aging and the ElastiMeter provides important information for skin care product R&D.

ElastiMeter has a 0.6 mm indenter, base plate and built-in force sensor to assist with repeatable measurements. When performing the measurement with the ElastiMeter, the probe head is briefly pressed against the skin with a recommended force shown on the screen. The indenter imposes a constant deformation when the reference plate is in full contact with the skin.

The skin resists against the deformation and its response to this external force indicates its elastic properties. ElastiMeter measures instant skin elasticity (ISE) and displays the measured value (N/m) immediately after the measurement.

The measurement principle of the ElastiMeter is based on the analysis of the biomechanical response of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and it is mathematically modeled using 3D computational FE (Finite Element) analysis. The ElastiMeter can be used either as a stand-alone device or measurement data can be collected wirelessly to the DMC software.


  • Fully portable indentation instrument
  • Measures skin’s instant elasticity
  • Fast and convenient measurements
  • Does not alter skin structure
  • Battery operated
  • Wireless data collection with DMC software


  • Product and formulation R&D in pharmaceutical, personal care, and chemical industries
  • Claims validation
  • Efficacy testing
  • Assessment of biomechanical properties of skin
  • Skin research studies and clinical trials
  • Evaluation of medical conditions

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