Handling and delivery of Dangerous goods samples

Published: 20-Aug-2015

The tragic incident in Tianjin, China, highlighted the dangers on inappropriate storage and handling of chemicals. An article in Shanghai Daily on Tuesday featured news about a leaked toxic substance that left 20 people needing hospital treatment. Bruce Percy, Managing Director of SampleRite, said: "These are exactly the types of incidents that can occur when products are handled and delivered by non-dangerous goods couriers without the correct licenses and training. In the 2015 edition of the Where To Buy Chemicals Directory, we commenced the debate about the dangers and possible repercussions of the misdeclaration of hazardous samples, and would encourage industry players to contribute to making the industry safe."

The distribution industry are actively working to install the health and safety procedures in place to safeguard the safety of employees and general public, however much more needs to be done at every stage of the chemical supply chain. SampleRite are championing the safe shipment of chemicals and will be delighted to work with responsible industry partners.

For more information please visit www.samplerite.com

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