Grease is the word: Why the dirty hair trend is inspiring product innovation

By Sarah Parsons | Published: 24-Apr-2019

Hair care is growing, but it's being driven by consumers busy lifestyles, interest in water consumption and opting to sport unwashed hair

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Grease, dirt, unwashed – not exactly terms that fit into the Instagram grid of today’s filtered, wellness-oriented beauty environment. But a growing number of brands are campaigning for consumers to celebrate their unkempt locks and skip the shampoo, by embracing their busy lifestyle and do their bit for the environment.

While dry shampoo isn’t anything new – in Asia a version has existed since the 15th century – thanks to the relatively recent invention of the aerosol, the product first hit the commercial market in the 1940s to help housewives maintain their professionally styled coiffure.

And today’s consumer are still proving fans of the product’s convenience. According to

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