The company Courage+Khazaka electronic from Cologne, Germany, renowned for their high-quality skin testing equipment, celebrate their 35th anniversary.
Their instruments are used in more than 70 countries worldwide in testing laboratories for efficacy testing and claim support of cosmetic products, scientific institutions and at the point of sale.
Constant development of new methods for assessment of skin and hair allows to keep pace with the requirements of the cosmetic industry.

Left: Tewameter® in Space. Right: Corneometer® in Lab
Among many other achievements, C+K are especially proud of their devices being used on the ISS in space to evaluate skin changes of astronauts.
A full range of parameters (sebum, moisture, pH, TEWL, elasticity, melanin, colour, roughness, gloss, lines and wrinkles and others) is covered by the modular probe system Multiprobe Adapter MPA or with optical systems. Also wireless probes are available.
The overall software MPA CTplus allows operation of the probes for free measurements as well as for a complete study design. All results are saved in one database and can be exported for statistical analysis.
The camera systems feature the Visioface with full face photography, the Visioscan with images directly from the skin, the Visioline with the macro relief and the Visiometer with the micro relief of the skin by replica.
The C+K support team and the agents in the countries will always give assistance for putting up the suitable system for the individual tasks.

Left: Visioscan® VC 20plus. Right: Multiprobe Adapter MPA10