Biologique Recherche: French connection

Published: 30-Sep-2015

How the Parisian spa brand has expanded across the globe yet maintained its clinical approach.

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Launched in Paris more than 35 years ago, Biologique Recherche has a high-class reputation. It was founded by parent and son team Yvan, Josette and Philippe Allouche – who worked respectively as a biologist, a physiotherapist and a doctor. Doctor Philippe gradually took over the business from his parents in the early 2000s.

The company originally functioned as a research and development laboratory and the company maintains a technical focus through the scope of Philippe’s experience in intensive care units. He views the skin as an organ directly interconnected to all vital bodily functions and now acts as Guarantor for the business, ensuring it holds to this philosophy.

The brand is still known for its clinical approach and its products are only available with a consultation. So how has it managed to survive in a world of e-commerce and social media?

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