For the past fifteen years, Albéa has put sustainable development and CSR at the heart of its activity. This is reflected, among other things, in a constant commitment to reduce its GHG emissions and to develop circular and low environmental impact packaging solutions.
This year, to accelerate its transition, the company has revised its carbon emissions objectives for 2030 to support the stabilisation of global temperature at +1.5°C. For the Group, this means in concrete terms: A 46% reduction of its GHG emissions on scopes 1 & 2 by 2030 (versus 2019) with different levers of action.
The first is to keep reducing its electricity consumption. This one represents 95% of the scope 1&2 emissions. Over the last 10 years, Albéa has built a network of energy experts across its 31 facilities to drive improvements. An annual dedicated budget will support this continuous effort.
The second lever of action is green energy. A significant step has been made in 2020 through the purchase of Energy Certificate Attributes (EACs): Since then, 39% of the electricity used by Albéa worldwide is renewable.
In Europe, this rate is close to 100%. Albéa is now assessing PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) and on-site solar solutions as a long-term project.
Besides this engagement on scope 1 and 2 emission reduction, Albéa is actively working on its scope 3 (all indirect emissions in the value chain). Thanks to its Responsible Packaging Program the company has a specific focus on GHG emissions during the product design and production processes.
The selection of new materials with low GHG emissions, designing out waste in the products and production systems will have a significant impact on Albéa’s scope 3 in the future.
In addition, the company continues to engage within different initiatives: Some weeks ago, Albéa signed the French Business Climate Pledge, joining companies from various industries.
This voluntary, collective initiative is one more step toward a low carbon economy and an opportunity to amplify the impact of innovative solutions, to fight against climate change.