Pure Beauty

68% of consumers seek clean beauty information and Skin Match Technology’s Beautytech helps with that

Published: 25-Sep-2024

As consumer interest in clean beauty surges, brands are facing increasing pressure to meet the demand for transparency and sustainability. A recent report by The NPD Group revealed that 68% of consumers now actively seek out skin care products made with clean ingredients

Key takeaways

  • 68% of Consumers Seek Out Clean Skin Care Brands
  • 41% of consumers said Instagram influenced their clean beauty purchases.
  • Skin Match Technology’s (SMT) fully automated clean beauty icons provides customers with the clean beauty information for each product.
  • SMT’s clean beauty icons decodes 60 000 ingredients

As consumer interest in clean beauty surges, brands are facing increasing pressure to meet the demand for transparency and sustainability. A recent report by The NPD Group revealed that 68% of consumers now actively seek out skin care products made with clean ingredients. In addition, 41% of consumers are influenced by social media platforms like Instagram, driving them toward clean beauty products. This growing demand is transforming the beauty industry, as shoppers become more educated and eco-conscious.

To help brands navigate this shift, Skin Match Technology offers a solution: Clean Beauty Icons. These icons provide an easy-to-integrate system that allows brands to highlight key product features like being free from harmful ingredients such as parabens or sulfates, cruelty-free practices, and the use of natural or organic ingredients. With the clean beauty market booming and sales increasing by 33% in the first half of 2021, Skin Match Technology’s Clean Beauty Icons are more relevant than ever.

How Clean Beauty Icons Meet Consumer Expectations

Research shows that 60% of consumers expect brands to disclose the source of their ingredients, while 72% want clear explanations of what ingredients do. However, many beauty brands still struggle to meet these expectations. Skin Match Technology’s Clean Beauty Icons
simplify this process by automating clean beauty claims and ingredient transparency across a brand’s entire product range.

By utilising ready-to-use icons that can be displayed on product pages, brands can communicate their commitment to clean beauty effortlessly. These icons help consumers identify products that align with their values, such as being vegan, microplastic-free, or palm oil-free. This is crucial in an era where 35% of consumers report spending more time focusing on skincare and making environmentally conscious choices, particularly during and after the pandemic.

Boost E-Commerce and Build Consumer Trust

For brands, offering transparency through clean beauty labels doesn’t just enhance trust—it drives business growth. By incorporating clean beauty icons, brands can increase conversion rates (CVR), average order value (AOV), and lifetime value (LTV), all key metrics in e-commerce success. Skin Match Technology’s clean beauty concept is fully customisable, ensuring that it integrates seamlessly with a brand’s existing aesthetic while providing consumers with the information they crave.

With a database of over 60,000 decoded ingredients, Skin Match Technology allows brands to meet the rising demand for ingredient transparency in a fully automated way. Whether a brand is focusing on being cruelty-free, organic, or waterless, these icons help attract conscious consumers and convert them into loyal customers.

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