Why healthy hair growth is now a critical claim in hair care

By Jo Allen | Published: 27-Oct-2022

Brands are tackling the 'hair loss pandemic' with an increasingly holistic approach

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Women are in the grip of a hair loss pandemic: a statement made by Philip Kingsley’s Brand President and Trichologist, Anabel Kingsley earlier this year as the brand revealed that over four in 10 British women are currently experiencing hair loss or thinning.

The survey also found that three quarters of women say that they are worried about hair loss, and that nine in ten women would use a product designed to slow hair loss and thinning.

Why healthy hair growth is now a critical claim in hair care

“Hair loss in women has always been a common problem. But the problems have been exacerbated over the past few years because of immense psychological and physical stressors including Covid-19, the modern-day pressures experienced by women, women not having time to prioritise self care, and women not having their health prioritised by others,” says Kingsley, noting that hair is the “ultimate and unfiltered reflection of our nutritional status and overall wellbeing.”

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