What's next in natural and organic beauty?

Published: 20-Oct-2016

The organic beauty market is estimated to reach $15.98bn by 2020 – but do consumers simply want more of the same when it comes to NPD?

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The trend for natural and organic products is firmly rooted and growing fast, but brands that stand out from the masses for the right reasons are already one step ahead, explains Jayn Sterland, Managing Director of skin care brand Weleda

Jayn Sterland

Jayn Sterland

Where is the natural and organic market heading?
The market is becoming increasingly sophisticated. I think and hope that there is going to be a more obvious gap between the authentically natural and organic cosmetics at the quality end of the NOC market and the ‘greenwash’ products at the other end.

What do natural and organic beauty consumers want?
Our customers are more knowledgeable, discerning and demanding, and want more detailed information on ingredients sourcing and provenance. They want to be able to

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