Be the first to discover the results of our R&D project demonstrating the interest of a shutter system on solar simulators to determine the erythemal doses on unprotected skin (DEMnp).
A poster summarising this study will be presented by Anne Sirvent, Dermscan Scientific Communication Manager, at the international congress of the ISBS (International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin) from June 1st to 3rd 2016 at Lisbon – Portugal.

Very active in innovation, Dermscan always offers solutions to improve the quality and the accuracy of its tests in order to answer different customers’ issues.
The implementation of this shutter allows us to be very reliable and even more accurate in the SPF (sun protection factor) assessment. We also optimise the safety of our subjects and, therefore, the safety of the end users.
Our analysis is also approved by the UV simulators’ manufacturers since a shutter is directly included on the new solar lights models.
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