Only 4% of UK clinics check lip filler patients’ ID for age

Published: 24-Jul-2017

Despite 100% of clinics saying they do not offer lip fillers to under-18s, nearly all swerve ID-checks

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Over 95% of UK clinics do not check the age of their patients before giving them lip fillers.

The survey data from revealed that only 4% of the 32 clinics surveyed ask their patients for photo ID before carrying out the procedure.

Around 10% said they would only ask for ID if the patient looked particularly young.

Standards slip

In the UK, lip fillers are legally allowed to be administered to anyone over the age of 16, however, many professionals do not approve of under-18s undergoing the procedure.

Speaking to Cosmetics Business, BAAPS Plastic Surgeon Jeyaram Srinivasan, said: “I think it’s worrying

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