UV and the skin microbiome

Published: 11-Sep-2023

In the world of beauty and personal care, consumer interest in skin health and demand for products that work with or support the skin’s natural processes have been growing for some time

One topic receiving increasing attention under the broader umbrella of “natural skin health” is the skin microbiome. Described as the ecosystem of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live on human skin, the skin microbiome forms a protective barrier, providing a first line of defence against external stressors like UV radiation. With more people recognising the essential role it plays in our skin health, “microbiome-friendly” products are growing in popularity, especially in the facial skin and body care categories.*

In their webinar, dsm-firmenich provides information on special microbiome-friendly certified PARSOL® UV filters, their protective benefit for the Microbiome and give guidance on formulating microbiome-friendly products that help to create smart formulations tailored to individual skin needs.

* (Source: Mintel GNPD Analysis – Growth of product launches within Personal Care category with a link to Skin Microbiome in 2021 vs 2022)

Looking forward to finding out more?

Join dsm-firmenich and MyMicrobiome for the webinar “Sunny Skin Microbiome” on September 26th!



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