Mud, glorious mud: What clays are available to the cosmetics industry

Published: 2-Oct-2019

Muds and clays can be used to improve the superficial properties of human skin, as well as impart stabilising, thickening and sensorial properties to formulations. John Woodruff discusses some of those clays available to the cosmetics industry

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Muds and clays have been used to decorate human faces and bodies since the beginning of human history. They have also been used in wound healing and as a means of improving the superficial properties of human skin. This feature will look at some of these remarkable minerals.

But what are muds and clays? Mud is defined by The Clay Minerals Society as soft, plastic, sticky or slippery matter, generally containing water and clay minerals derived from fine-grained sediment materials. It is commonly composed of clay-size particles, but often contains mixtures of sand and silt-size particles as well as microorganisms[1].

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