Pure Beauty

Meet the Retail Consultants at Beales and Downtown

Published: 5-Jul-2017

Liliya Cowper and Patricia Hemborough on working in beauty retail and what it means to be a Copra Retail Consultant of the Year Awards winner

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Pure Beauty talks to Liliya Cowper, Christian Dior Counter Manager at Beales, Worthing, and Patricia Hemborough, Aspects Counter Manager at Downtown, Grantham (part of the Oldrids Group), about working in beauty retail and what customers want in 2017 and beyond.

Q: What do you love most about your job?

LC: I love the environment of the store, I love the Christian Dior brand and I really enjoy introducing it to new customers.
PH:Meeting people, making them feel good, creating a special bond with them and selecting the right products for them in the hope that they will return.

Q: What are the biggest challenges you face on the shop floor?

LC: Building the Dior profile during quiet times can be a challenge and it also makes it more challenging to meet my sales targets.
PH: I am blessed where I work and I like the challenge of encouraging a customer who has had the same product for years to try something new.

Liliya Cowper

Liliya Cowper

Q: What have you learned from working in beauty retail?

LC: I’ve learned never to

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