How to prepare your customers for their summer holiday abroad

Published: 10-May-2017

Looking cool in the heat doesn't have to mean heaps of preparation or complex beauty routines. Here's how to help your customers easily transition from take off to touch down – and beyond

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Before take-off

Preparation is key to prevent sunburn and keep a sun-kissed glow for as a long as possible, explains Sabrina Chakici, one of the UK’s leading travel experts ( Plus, it means your customers won’t need to bring all of their beauty cabinet with them. Chakici would advise customers to exfoliate and moisturise as often as they can before their trip and for those suffering with sun allergies, she suggests taking daily antihistamine tablets prior to sun exposure. She says there are a number of pre-tanning products on the market for anyone prone to burning: “I would highly recommend either

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