How to make an eco-conscious fragrance

Published: 11-May-2022

Jorum Studio’s founders explain what goes into an ecologically respectful perfume

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Fragrances that put the environment, as well as aroma, front and centre are gaining traction.

In this article, Euan McCall, founder and Master Perfumer at Jorum Studio, and Chloe Mullen, co-founder, Jorum Studio, explain the steps involved in creating a fragrance which ticks all 'eco' boxes.

How to make an eco-conscious fragrance
How to make an eco-conscious fragrance

The formulation of ecologically conscious perfumes is becoming increasingly easier.

A bold proclamation perhaps, however as the industry-at-large aims for cleaner and greener pathways forward, the formulating perfumer can work with more confidence in the knowledge that they are working with materials of greater ecological credentials.

In all, our materials palette has become more eco-conscious, sustainable, renewable, biodegradable and produced more efficiently with less emission and thus the final product is ultimately more ecological.

Transparency has become a real selling point for raw material manufacturers, perfumers and end customers. It pays to know where our materials come from and how they have been produced.

In my opinion, formulating in an eco-conscious manner is about balance – balancing the amount of raw material from natural origins and those that are synthesised within the formulation. A formula comprised entirely of one or the other may not guarantee an ecologically sound end-product.

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