How the wig category shaped a reinvention

By Jo Allen | Published: 21-Oct-2022

Whether they're being worn for necessity or fashion, wigs and toppers have found an entirely new consumer – and sales are surging

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How the wig category shaped a reinvention

They were called ‘transformations’ in the 1930s, and today, wigs are experiencing a transformation of their own.

Wig companies are reporting double digit growth amid a global $5.8bn market that, including extensions and hair toppers, is predicted to grow at a 13% CAGR to 2026, according to Arizton.

Hair loss is a concern that has been rising increasingly among women during and since the pandemic, in what The Telegraph called a “silent hair-loss crisis”.

And while this has undoubtedly contributed to the significant hike in demand that companies are seeing for toppers and wigs, it is by no means the full story behind its recent success.

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