General Product Safety Regulation 2023/988 (GPSR): Ensuring product safety in the EU

Published: 12-Sep-2024

Staying compliant with the new EU regulations

Navigating new regulations like the General Product Safety Regulation 2023/988 (GPSR) can be daunting and challenging. At GCRS, we are here to make compliance manageable. As a leading compliance and regulatory consulting provider, we provide the guidance you need to ensure your products meet the required EU safety standards as per GPSR 2023/988 requirements.

What is GPSR?

The GPSR is the EU’s latest regulatory initiative to ensure the safety of products sold within its borders, coming into effect on December 13, 2024. GPSR aims to:

  • Protect consumers from unsafe products.
  • Harmonize product safety standards across all EU member states.
  • Address new challenges of e-commerce, emerging technologies and global supply chains.

Key Changes Introduced by GPSR

Unlike the GPSD, the GPSR places responsibility on all Economic Operators - including Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors and Online Marketplaces within the EU - to ensure compliance. Key requirements include:

  • Increased Responsibility for Online Platforms: Online marketplaces must enforce stricter measures to guarantee product safety.
  • Strict Product Traceability: Businesses must ensure their products can be traced throughout the supply chain.
  • Mandatory EU Representation: Non-EU manufacturers are required to appoint an Authorised Representative within the EU.
  • Improved Recall Procedures: Establishes faster and more efficient processes to remove unsafe products from the market promptly.

Benefits of Complying with GPSR

  • Secure Market Access: Ensure your products can be legally sold throughout the EU.
  • Build Consumer Trust: Demonstrate your commitment to customer safety, enhancing your brand reputation.
  • Reduced Risks of Penalties: Avoid costly recalls, fines and the reputational damage that comes with non-compliance.

General Product Safety Regulation 2023/988 (GPSR): Ensuring product safety in the EU

How GCRS Can Help You Comply with GPSR

At GCRS, we are committed to helping businesses like yours understand, implement and excel under the GPSR. We offer a range of services to help businesses meet their obligations, including:

  • Compliance Assessments: We help identify your responsibilities and ensure your products meet GPSR standards.
  • Technical Documentation Support: We assist in preparing the correct documents to prove your products are safe.
  • EU Authorised Representative Services: We can act as your representative within the EU, handling regulatory obligations.
  • Product Labelling and Information: We ensure your labels and information meet the latest GPSR requirements.
  • Recall Management and Market Surveillance: We support you in managing recalls and staying compliant.

Let GCRS be your partner in ensuring your products' safety and success in the EU market. Contact us today to get started.

How do I ensure GPSR Compliance?

Prioritise consumer safety to meet the requirements of the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). Begin by conducting a thorough safety assessment of your products to identify potential hazards and assess associated risks. Understanding your role as a manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer is essential, as it determines your specific obligations under GPSR.

What is GPSR?

GPSR, which went into effect on June 12, 2023, is a comprehensive regulation designed to ensure the safety of all consumer products sold within the EU, both online and offline. It addresses the challenges of digitalisation, technological advancements, and global supply chains.

Key features of the GPSR include:

  • Risk Assessment: A more holistic approach to safety assessment that considers factors like product evolution and interconnectivity.
  • Online-Offline Parity: Improved safety standards for both online and offline sales.
  • Marketplace Responsibility: Specific requirements for online marketplaces to prevent the sale of hazardous products.
  • EU Economic Operator: A requirement for non-harmonised products imported to the EU to have a designated responsible party within the EU.
  • Enhanced Enforcement: Increased powers for national authorities to enforce safety regulations.
  • Effective Recalls: Improved recall procedures, including direct consumer contact and standardised notices.

It's important to note that the Directives 87/357/EEC and 2001/95/EC will be repealed on December 13, 2024.

General Product Safety Regulation 2023/988 (GPSR): Ensuring product safety in the EU

What is the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)?

GPSD is a European Union directive that establishes fundamental safety standards for all consumer products. Unlike other directives requiring the CE mark, the GPSD focuses on ensuring the safety of products placed on the market. It emphasises risk assessment, ongoing monitoring, and prompt corrective actions when safety issues arise. GPSD is not restricted to specific product categories and applies to diverse consumer goods.

What is the general product safety directive declaration of conformity?

Unlike other EU directives and regulations that require a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for CE marking, GPSD does not have a specific DoC requirement. GPSD instead utilises a Declaration of Compliance (DoC), which focuses on a more comprehensive approach to consumer product safety. The DoC demonstrates that the product meets the general safety requirements outlined in the GPSD.

If my product already complies with another regulation, do I still need to comply with GPSR?

GPSR covers products that are not already covered by another regulation. If your product already complies with the LDV or Cosmetic regulations, then you should follow those.

Can I use a QR code to replace directions of Use or Caution statement translations?

QR Codes cannot be used to replace mandatory information, they can only be added in addition to physical labels.

Does GPSR apply outside of the EU? What about the USA or the UK?

GPSR only apples in the EEA region and Northern Ireland

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