Box fresh: Neal's Yard Remedies reveals how stability lies in the cloud

Published: 7-Jun-2017

An intelligent cloud platform has transformed Neal's Yard Remedies' business, enabling it to keep its natural and organic products fresher for longer

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When it was formed in 1981, Neal’s Yard Remedies was driven by a passionate belief that health and beauty should be more natural and less synthetic.

Fast forward more than 30 years and a new era of consumerism, which demands instant gratification, has placed greater pressure on cosmetics brands to deliver products faster to the same high quality standard.

For natural and organic brands, this poses an even bigger challenge than those that use synthetic preservatives. So how is it possible for these brands to keep up with demand while fulfilling customer and industry expectations?

Jason Cook is the Head of IT at Neal’s Yard Remedies. Here, he talks to Cosmetics Business about how the brand has overcome this very issue and why others need to consider their options too.


“When you say organic the last thing that comes to mind is technology. But what most don’t realise is that tech is at the very forefront of what makes organics saleable, profitable and manageable to most companies, and Neal’s Yard Remedies is no different.


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