Why Colgate-Palmolive is far from a business in decay

Published: 21-Feb-2018

Despite its recent share downgrade and results, there is still hope left for Colgate-Palmolive, says Kantar Worldpanel

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Tom Pattinson

Tom Pattinson

According to Kantar Worldpanel data, Colgate is still the most chosen healthcare brand in the world, with far-reaching penetration and relevance to consumers.

However, the company's shares recently took a nosedive, causing new scrutiny to be placed on the oral care industry heavyweight.

Here, Tom Pattinson, Global Account Director at Kantar Worldpanel, provides his point of view on the future of Colgate...

"If its latest sales figures are anything to go by, you wouldn’t be alone in thinking Colgate may be struggling amid an aggressive price war with its competitors.

Yet despite a recent drop in Colgate’s share price, the future of the toothpaste manufacturer remains bright.

Maintaining its position as the world’s most chosen health and beauty brand in Kantar Worldpanel’s Brand Footprint ranking for five years, Colgate is far from a business in decay.

So how is Colgate reigning supreme in a battle of the brands? The answer can be found in

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