Whatever the weather: Why leg care products are standing firm

Published: 22-Jun-2017

A new wave of cosmetics aimed at legs is causing a buzz on the market – and not just in warmer months. Here’s why it’s no longer a case of out of sight, out of mind once summer is over for this sub-category

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Until recently, legs have been more of a seasonal focus for beauty brands. As the warmer months set in, brands have traditionally propelled these products onto shelves alongside a host of other 'get ready for summer' products, before going quiet once the holiday season is over.

But change is afoot. With renewed enthusiasm, a number of leg specific brands and products are now emerging to help push this often over-looked area into part of a daily personal care routine for UK consumers.

High performance

This is where the developing opportunity is – in products that enhance the way we feel, which pick us up

Kate Shapland, Founder of Legology, developed her leg-focused brand due to a frustration that the consumer had always been shortchanged on leg care. “The market was so focused on cellulite but there’s more to legs than that and I felt this sector really needed to offer proper solutions to a range of leg care issues,” she said.

“I could see the need for high performance leg products which addressed

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